Released: 2007
IMDB Rating: 8.63/10
In a very distant future, humanity lives in large caves underground, unaware of the world above them with a starry sky. In a small village called "Jiha", a shy boy named "Simon" discovers a strange, glowing object while digging. "Kamina", a young and passionate designer with expensive, modern sunglasses, befriends "Simon" and forms a small group called "Team Gorn" to escape the village through the cave ceiling and reach the surface, something only a few people believe in. The village elder doesn't listen to their foolish talk and punishes the group. However, when a disaster from the world above threatens to destroy the entire village, it's up to "Simon", "Kamina", a girl with a large gun named "Yuko", and a small but tough robot named "Lagan" to save everyone.